Lesson 1 Identify and Sort Shapes
Let’s sort and name shapes based on their sides and corners.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Groups of Shapes
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
Activity 1 Card Sort: Shapes
Sort the shapes into categories in a way that makes sense to you. Be prepared to explain how you sorted the shapes.
Activity 2 Penta-what?
Gather clues to find out what kind of shapes belong in each of these categories.
Ask the teacher whether a shape card belongs with one of these categories.
Use this question frame:
Is Shape a ?
Use the clues you gathered to make a true statement.
Shape is a because it has
Would these shapes belong to any of these categories? Explain.
Activity 3 Compare Shapes
Pick 1 shape card.
Be prepared to name and describe your shape to a partner.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Here are some shapes.
Find a triangle and label it A. Explain why the shape is a triangle.
Find a pentagon and label it B. Explain why the shape is a pentagon.