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Lesson 1

We will consider our options for further research and the development of an argumentative position among the following subtopics: job market, machine learning, and privacy. Based on our chosen issue, we will form a collaborative research team and begin extended reading and analysis with the goal of developing an individual perspective in our respective subtopics.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I understand the expectations of, and options for, the final argumentation task?

  • Can I use a reflective review process to determine which of the possible subtopics I will pursue as I develop my final argument, and the perspective I am likely to take?


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Activity 1: Read – Write – Discuss

We will examine the expectations of the section 3 diagnostic.

Review the Section 3 Diagnostic Checklist.

Underline key words and phrases that will help you respond to the following question:

  1. What is expected of you for the task?

With a partner, share the words and phrases you underlined. Discuss the task expectations in response to the guiding question.

As a class, discuss the task expectations.

Activity 2: Discuss – Write

We will review each of the subtopics we studied in section 2. individually, we will rate our understanding of, and interest in, each of the subtopics. We will discuss and compare our perspectives on areas with other students.

Focus on the three subtopic issues and questions.

Consider the following question as a class:

  1. What is the central issue represented by the questions for each subtopic? What do the key words suggest about the controversy and various ways to address it?

Individually, rate your understanding and interest in each of the subtopics.

In small groups, discuss each of the subtopics.

Write the Central Question at the top of the large piece of paper: How is artificial intelligence affecting our world?

Then draw lines underneath the Central Question to separate the paper into three sections. Label each section with one of the subtopics. Cut each subtopic column in half, labeling one "Positives" and the other "Negatives."

Discuss each subtopic, making sure to address its central controversy.

List evidence from the unit material and refer to the notes from your Learning Log.

Activity 3: Discuss – Present

For each subtopic, we will consider the various perspectives that an argument might express in response to the general subtopic question.

In a class discussion, review what the subtopic issues and questions are.

For each subtopic, present and discuss various perspectives that could be developed.

Consider also what the purpose for writing an argument in that subtopic might be, and who might be its primary audience.

Refer to texts examined in the unit as possible sources of information or arguments, and how they might relate to the various perspectives that could be taken.

Activity 4: Write

Each of us will determine the subtopic that most interests us. we will write a short explanation of the general perspective we might take in approaching the area.

Determine your first choice subtopic issue.

Write a paragraph that briefly explains the issue and analyzes a controversy that could be addressed.

Articulate and explain the position you might take, connecting it to what you have learned and thought about in the unit.

Activity 5: Read

For homework, we will review our Learning Log, annotated texts, and the tools we have developed to see what might be relevant to our subtopic and perspective.

For homework, review your Learning Log, annotated texts, tools, and notes to see what from the unit might be relevant to the subtopic issue, question, and perspective identified.

Access the Subtopic Supplemental Texts Handout for your subtopic area and take a first look at the texts listed for the topic you are most interested in. You can use the information about the texts’ titles, authors, and publishers to do a search for them on the Internet.