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Lesson 10

We will view and analyze Act 5, Scene 3 in both the Zeffirelli and Luhrman film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. We will complete our Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool in preparation for the Section Diagnostic.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I recognize and interpret the film techniques and directors’ choices to deepen my understanding of visual texts?

  • Can I recognize points of connection among the play Romeo and Juliet and the film adaptations to make logical, objective comparisons?



  • Multimedia
    • Romeo and Juliet, Franco Zeffirelli, Paramount Pictures, 1968
  • Tradebook
    • Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Folger Shakespeare Library, Simon and Schuster, 2004



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View – Write

We will view Act 5, Scene 3 in the Zeffirelli film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and Capture our analyses in the film-theme Note-Taking Tool.

As you watch Act 5, Scene 3 of Zeffirelli’s film adaptation, pay close attention to the following director choices:

  • music

  • setting

  • acting (facial expressions and intonation)

  • changes from the play

View Act 5, Scene 3 of Zeffirelli’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.

Reference the thematic ideas captured on your Text-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Use the guiding questions about the Zeffirelli Adaptation of Act 5, Scene 3 to independently complete the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool for this scene.

  1. How does the director transform the source material in this scene?

  2. What themes from the text are emphasized in the film scene? Which, if any, are not?

  3. How did the director’s choices emphasize the thematic idea? What evidence from the film supports your claim?

Activity 2: View – Write

We will view Act 5, Scene 3 in the Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and Capture our analysis on the film-theme Note-Taking Tool.

As you watch Act 5, Scene 3 of the Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, pay close attention to the following director choices:

  • setting

  • music

  • acting (facial expressions and intonation)

  • changes from the play

  • imagery

View Act 5, Scene 3 in Luhrmann’s adaptation.

Reference the thematic ideas captured on your Text-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Use the guiding questions for the Luhrmann Adaptation of Act 5, Scene 3 to independently complete the Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool for this scene.

  1. How does the director transform the source material in this scene?

  2. What themes from the text are emphasized in the film scene? Which, if any, are not?

  3. How did the director’s choices emphasize the thematic idea? What evidence from the film supports your claim?

Activity 3: View – Write

For homework, we will prepare for the next lesson by examining the section 4 diagnostic checklist.

For homework, examine the Section 4 Diagnostic Checklist. Make any necessary revisions to the content or organization of your notes so that you are prepared for the discussion.