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Lesson 2

We will view the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film adaptations of Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet and analyze how the directors’ choices enhance or detract from the themes found in the play.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I recognize and interpret the film techniques and directors’ choices to deepen my understanding of visual texts?

  • Can I use connections among details, elements, and effects to make logical deductions about the purpose and meaning in the film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet?

  • Can I recognize points of connection among the play Romeo and Juliet and the film adaptations to make logical, objective comparisons?



  • Multimedia
    • Romeo + Juliet, Baz Luhrmann, Twentieth Century Fox, 1996
    • Romeo and Juliet, Franco Zeffirelli, Paramount Pictures, 1968



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View – Write

We will view Act 3, Scene 1 in the Zeffirelli film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and analyze how the Director’s choices enhance or detract from themes in the play.

View Act 3, Scene 1 in Zeferrelli’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. As you watch the scene, pay attention to how the following director choices transform the source material:

  • setting

  • acting (facial expression, body language, and gestures)

  • music

  • camera shots

Write down notes in your Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 2: View – Write

We will view Act 3, Scene 1 in the Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet and analyze how the Director’s choices enhance or detract from themes in the play.

View Act 3, Scene 1 in Luhrmann film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. As you watch, pay attention to how the following director choices transform the source material:

  • setting

  • acting (facial expressions, body language, and gestures)

  • camera shotsImagery

Write down notes in your Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 3: Write – Discuss

We will compare and contrast how Zeffirelli and Luhrmann chose to depict the events in Act 3, Scene 1 and how their choices enhance or detract from themes found in the play.

Respond to the following questions from the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann Adaptation of Act 3, Scene 1 portion of the Section 4 Question Set in your Learning Log and discuss your answers in a group:

  1. What was similar about the mood of this scene in the two films? What was different? What details from the films support your interpretation?

  2. What was similar about the characters’ motivations in the two films? What was different? What details from the films support your interpretation?

  3. How do the differences in the films affect the portrayal of the thematic ideas in the scene?

Before you discuss your answers, select and commit to using two of the following norms for an academic discussion:

  • Ask questions of your peers if something needs clarification or elaboration.

  • Build on the ideas of your peers.

  • Respectfully challenge the ideas of your peers.

  • Elaborate and clarify your ideas when asked or challenged.

Use the discussion to refine your notes in your Film-Theme Note-Taking Tool.