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Lesson 3

We will meet with our literature circles to discuss Chapter 2 from Part 3 of 1984. We will examine how Orwell further develops central ideas of the novel.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I participate effectively in a literature circle, building on others’ ideas and expressing my own clearly and persuasively?

  • Can I come to discussions prepared, having read the assigned chapters of 1984, and explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from the novel to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas?

  • Can I analyze and explain the further development of central ideas in Part 3, Chapter 2, including how they interact and build on one another?



  • Tradebook
    • 1984, George Orwell, Signet Classics, 1949



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss – Write

We will meet with our literature circles to discuss chapter 3 from part 2 of 1984.

Meet with your literature circle to discuss Chapter 2 from Part 2 of 1984. Begin the discussion by responding to the following question:

  1. How does Winston’s reaction to the Party’s physical, psychological, and emotional manipulation further develop his character?

Use your annotations, open-ended questions, and literary analysis to guide the literature discussion circle. Be sure to include evidence from the text in your discussion. Take notes on the interesting ideas of others.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss – Write

We will reread a passage from part 3, chapter 2, to analyze how it builds on ideas introduced earlier in the novel.

Reread and annotate the passage that begins with “Do you know where you are, Winston?" and ends with "Don’t imagine that you will save yourself, Winston, however completely you surrender to us."

Use the following questions to guide your annotations:

  1. According to O’Brien, why does the Party bring criminals to the Ministry of Love? What does the reader understand about the irony of the ministry’s name?

  2. How does this chapter further develop central ideas of the novel? How do the different ideas interact with one another to produce a complex understanding of the motivations of the Party? What evidence from the text offers the strongest support for this interpretation?

Discuss your answers as a class. Capture key takeaways on your Thematic and Central Ideas Note-Taking Tool.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will reread a selected excerpt from part 3, chapter 2, to analyze Orwell’s craft and style.

Follow your teacher’s directions for rereading and analyzing an excerpt from Part 3, Chapter 2.

In your Learning Log, jot down a craft or style technique that you would like to try on the Culminating Task.

Activity 4: Read – Discuss – Write

We will reread a selected excerpt from part 3, chapter 2, to analyze Orwell’s use of conventions.

Follow your teacher’s directions for rereading and analyzing an excerpt from Part 3, Chapter 2.

In your Learning Log, jot down a conventions technique that you would like to try on the Culminating Task.

Activity 5: Read – Discuss – Write

We will read and annotate chapters 3–4 from part 2 of 1984 and prepare for the next lesson’s literature circle.

Read and annotate Chapters 3-4 from Part 3 of 1984. Use the following questions to guide your annotations:

  1. At the beginning of Chapter 3, O’Brien says, "There are three states in your reintegration…. There is learning, there is understanding, and there is acceptance." Chapter 2 focused on Winston learning the truth. What does Winston come to understand in Chapter 3?

  2. If Chapter 2 focuses on learning and Chapter 3 on understanding, what acceptance, if any, does Winston arrive at in Chapter 4?

  3. How does Orwell create suspense at the end of Chapter 4?

Select one passage from the chapter that you found significant, and draft a brief literary analysis of the passage. Be sure to use textual evidence to support your analysis.

Write two open-ended, thought-provoking questions to drive discussion during the literature circle.

Activity 6: Write

We will work on our outline for our narrative stories.

In Section 3, you conducted research to write a narrative that sends a powerful message to society, and you used that research to write a vignette that captured a single moment or a defining detail about an element of your story. You will now consider your research, reread your vignette, and determine how to build onto your vignette in order to design an outline for your narrative story.


  1. When and where will your story take place?

  2. Will it span a long time or will it focus on a specific moment?

  3. What imagery will you use to describe it?

  4. What mood will you create?

Character Development:

  1. Who will be your main character?

  2. How will you develop them?

    • description of the character’s external appearance or actions

    • description of the character’s internal thoughts, feelings, or motivations

    • interactions or dialogue with other characters

    • the character’s expressed thoughts, self-description, comments, or views

    • other characters’ views or descriptions

Point of View:

  1. What point of view will you use?

  2. What tone do you want to create?


  1. Will your story be suspenseful? How will you make it so?

  2. Will you use foreshadowing? Mystery? Tension? Surprise? Flashbacks?


  1. Will you use situational irony? Verbal irony? Dramatic irony? For what effect?


  1. How will you show your reader your intended message rather than tell it?

Use this time to continue planning your narrative story. You will submit your plan outline with your writing portfolio after the Section Diagnostic.