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Lesson 6

We will examine 1984’s wide-ranging influence on contemporary culture.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I recognize points of connection among texts, textual elements, and perspectives to make logical, objective comparisons?



  • Tradebook
    • 1984, George Orwell, Signet Classics, 1949


  • Digital Access
    • “Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial,” Ridley Scott, Apple, 1984



Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Watch – Discuss – Write

We will view apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial and examine how the company Drew upon and transformed the central ideas of the novel for the commercial.

View Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial. Use the following question to guide your initial viewing:

  1. What central ideas from the novel are evident in the commercial? How do you know? Cite evidence from the video to demonstrate the connection.

Activity 2: Watch – Discuss – Write

We will view apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial a second time and use the Visual Analysis Tool to carefully examine the commercial’s details.

View Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial a second time. Use the Visual Analysis Tool and the following questions to guide your analysis:

  1. What connection is Apple trying to make between their product and the novel 1984? How do you know? Cite evidence from the video to demonstrate the connection.

  2. Is the connection effective?

Activity 3: Discuss

We will discuss our analysis of apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial with a small group.

In small groups, discuss your analysis of Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial, using your notes from the Visual Analysis Tool and the following questions to guide your discussion:

  1. What central ideas from the novel are evident in the commercial?

  2. What connection is Apple trying to make between their product and the novel 1984?

  3. Is the connection effective?

Activity 4: Read – Discuss

We will work in small groups to research other cultural references to the novel 1984.

In small groups, select one of the following genres to research within:

  • film

  • television

  • literature

  • music

  • visual art

Conduct research and find one example from that genre that was influenced by the novel 1984. Use the following questions to guide your research:

  1. What central ideas from the novel did you find?

  2. What connection was the artist trying to make between their work and the novel 1984?

Write a half-page finding of your summary, citing at least two sources.