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Lesson 1

We will set group norms with our pathway groups and begin writing our résumés.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension?

  • Can I think about and evaluate personal and group development?

  • Can I apply correct and effective syntax, usage, mechanics, and spelling to communicate ideas and achieve intended purposes?

  • Can I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?



  • Unit Reader
    • “High School Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide,” College Greenlight, College Greenlight, 2018
    • “How to Write a High School Resume for College Applications,” The Princeton Review, TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC, 2019



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss – Read – Write

We will discuss our takeaways from the Culminating Task checklist and Portfolio Requirements and work as a research team to determine the best ways to work in a group.

Step 1

For the remainder of the unit, you will work with a research team to explore one of four pathways:

  • four-year university

  • community college

  • vocational or technical

  • military

Follow your teacher’s directions for getting into research groups with students who have the same postsecondary aspirations as you.

Introduce yourself and explain why you found this pathway interesting.

Step 2

In your team, write three to five norms for your group, and place those norms in the center of your group.

Norms are behaviors that every person agrees to so that the group works successfully. Norms might be something like the following statements:

  • We will speak respectfully to each other.

  • We will listen to everyone’s ideas, even ideas we might personally disagree with.

Review your norms and make sure each group member understands them.

Step 3

Examine the Culminating Task Checklist and the Portfolio Requirements. Generate additional questions to research and discuss how you are going to create your portfolio for your Culminating Task.

Determine how you will take notes and keep track of them in your teams. Respond to the following sentence starters:

  1. In order to succeed on the Culminating Task, we need to...

  2. In order to succeed on the Culminating Task, I need to...

  3. I will need help with...

  4. My biggest contribution to my team will be...

  5. We will organize our portfolios in (a Google Doc, physically in a folder, etc.)...

Step 4

Examine the Section 2 Diagnostic Checklist to see which components of the portfolio you will be working on in this section of the unit.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss

We will read and discuss the article “How To Write A High School Résumé For College Applications.”

Individually, read and annotate "How to Write a High School Résumé for College Applications." Consider using the Annotating and Note-Taking Reference Guide to support your reading. Respond to the following questions individually in your Learning Log. Then, discuss the following questions with your group:

  1. What do you consider to be the most important element in a résumé?

  2. What experiences should you include on your résumé?

  3. What experiences should you exclude from your résumé?

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will read and discuss the blog post “High School Résumé: A Step By Step Guide” in preparation for writing our own résumés.

Individually read and annotate "High School Résumé: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Respond to the following questions in your Learning Log. Then, review your responses with your pathway group.

  1. What are the major sections you should put in your résumé?

  2. Discuss the layout of the sample résumé. What do you like and dislike?

  3. What is the difference between hard and soft skills?

  4. What hard and soft skills do you possess?

  5. How does this article refine your thinking about your own résumé?

Add the terms hard skills and soft skills to your Vocabulary Journal.

Activity 4: Write

We will draft our résumés.

In your Learning Log, respond to the following questions that appear in "High School Résumé: A Step-by-Step Guide":

  1. Why am I making this high school résumé?

  2. What will showcase my abilities for my intended audience the best?

Create a list of hard skills and soft skills you can feature on your résumé.

Begin drafting your résumé based on the example and your readings from "High School Résumé: A Step-by-Step Guide" and "How to Write a High School Résumé for College Applications."

Activity 5: Discuss

We will close out with a discussion in our pathway groups.

Discuss the following questions with your research team members:

  1. What do you still need to complete on your rough draft résumé?

  2. What are you struggling with while writing your rough draft?

  3. What is one success or something you are especially proud of while creating your rough draft?