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Lesson 6

We will work with partners to obtain and offer feedback on our narrative stories. We will use the feedback to revise our narratives.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on feedback and review by myself and others?


There are no texts for this Lesson.


There are no materials for this Lesson.

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will share our draft narratives with partners to obtain and provide feedback.

Share your draft narrative with your partner, and then ask your partner the following questions:


  1. Does my narrative engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation and its significance?

  2. Does my narrative engage and orient the reader by using precise sensory word choice to describe the setting and create a specific mood?

  3. Does my narrative engage and orient the reader by introducing the characters and establishing a point of view?


  1. Does my narrative contain a significant conflict?

  2. Does my narrative use techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and characters?

  3. Does my narrative use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent progression of experiences or events?


  1. Does my narrative provide a conclusion that follows from, and reflects on, what is experienced, observed, or resolved throughout the narrative?

  2. Does my narrative effectively convey an important message to society?

Activity 2: Read – Write

We will use feedback from our partners to make revisions to our narrative stories.

Use the feedback from your partner to make revisions to your narrative story. Complete the revisions for homework, if necessary.