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Lesson 1

We will begin our study of artificial intelligence by considering the following question: What is artificial intelligence? We will brainstorm what we know about the term artificial intelligence and build on our classmates’ ideas to create a class definition.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I synthesize information gathered from background knowledge in order to predict the meaning of a word?

  • Can I pay attention to and acknowledge others while thoughtfully considering their ideas?



  • Digital Access
    • “HAL 9000: ‘I’m Sorry Dave, I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That’” from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick, YouTube, 1968



Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View – Write – Read

We will study the unit’s topic of artificial intelligence by pursuing the following question: what is artificial intelligence?

Step 1

Watch the video “HAL 9000: ‘I'm Sorry Dave, I'm Afraid I Can't Do That,’” a scene from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey,think about the guiding question: What is artificial intelligence?

You might use the Video Note-Taking Tool to take notes as you view the clip.

Step 2

After watching the video, complete the following steps:

  • Write the guiding question in your Learning Log, and for two minutes, brainstorm about artificial intelligence and what you know about it, recalling movies, literature, and new technologies you have heard about.

  • Pass your Learning Log to the person on your right. Read what your classmate has written. What ideas were sparked by your classmate’s brainstorming? Take one minute to add your new thinking to their description of artificial intelligence.

  • Pass the Learning Log to the person on your right again. Read the new description you received. What ideas were sparked by your classmate’s brainstorming? Take one minute to add your new thinking to their description of artificial intelligence.

  • Return the Learning Log to its owner. Read your original description and what your classmates added.

Activity 2: Discuss – Write

We will synthesize our brainstormed descriptions of artificial intelligence in small groups.

Join a small discussion group, as directed by your teacher. In your small group, choose a facilitator, note-taker, and time-keeper. Keep in mind the Discussion Norms presented in the Academic Discussion Reference Guide.

Discuss the different descriptions of artificial intelligence (AI) written down by each group member.

On a poster or large piece of paper, synthesize the information and create a unified answer to the following question: What is artificial intelligence?

After recording your group’s definition, have a group member put your poster on the wall to form a gallery of definitions.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will find commonalities and differences in our group definitions.

Each group will read its descriptions of AI.

You will then engage in a whole-class discussion, finding the commonalities and differences in the descriptions of AI. After comparing, come up with a definition of AI as a class.

Write the class definition in your Vocabulary Journal.

Activity 4: Discuss – Write

We will discuss the unit’s Central Question and reflect on its significance by completing a quick-write in our Learning Logs.

Step 1

Review the Central Question of the unit:

How is artificial intelligence affecting our world?

Use the following questions to guide a discussion with a partner or small group:

  1. What is the Central Question asking?

  2. What might you already know in relation to the Central Question?

  3. What about the question piques your curiosity?

  4. How do you think this question relates to the texts or topic of the unit?

  5. If you were to provide an answer to the Central Question today, what would it be?

In your Learning Log, write a response to Question 5. You will return to this initial response in later lessons to examine how your understanding of the Central Question has evolved.

Step 2

Locate the Culminating Task Checklist and read the prompt.

Now find the Culminating Task Progress Tracker and reflect on the following:

  1. What do you think you need to know to succeed on the Culminating Task?

  2. What do you need to know how to do to succeed on the Culminating Task?

Write your responses on the tracker and share them with your partner or as a class.

Activity 5: Read

We will review the Unit Text List to familiarize ourselves with the texts we will analyze and discuss throughout the unit.

Step 1

Access and review the Unit Text List. Note the information that is included about each text. These texts are also listed in the activities in which they appear, under the Materials tab. You will notice that each text has an icon by it. These indicate where the text is located, which corresponds to the Location column in the Unit Text List.

Text locations:

  • Tradebook: These texts are full-length novels or nonfiction books you will most likely have copies of.

  • Digital Access: You can find these texts online. Use the information provided in the Unit Text List or on the Texts tab for the activity to conduct a web search for the resource. Digital Access resources include online articles, videos, podcasts, and other web sources.

  • PDF Texts: These are formatted PDFs of texts that are available for download on the Materials tab.

  • CD/DVD: These materials are available on CD or DVD and might also be available through online content providers.

Step 2

Review the Independent Reading Text Options. Here, you will find suggested options for independent reading related to the unit.