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Lesson 3

We will continue to consider the following question: What is artificial intelligence? We will continue our research by beginning our in-depth reading of “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.” We will learn a strategy for how to read scientific reports and research papers, as well as practice this technique as a class.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use evidence to support my inferences about artificial intelligence?

  • Can I recognize, interpret, and use the text structure and details in an informational text to guide my reading and understanding?



  • Unit Reader
    • “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030,” Peter Stone et al., Stanford University, 2016
  • Digital Access
    • “Artificial Intelligence 101: Why It’s Different This Time,” Zoe Thomas and Eric Niiler, The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2023



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss – Write

In our small groups from the previous lesson, we will review the notes we took for homework with respect to the podcast episode, “Artificial Intelligence 101: Why It’s Different This Time.”

In a small group, share your Attending to Details Tool and responses to the guiding questions about the "Artificial Intelligence 101: Why It’s Different This Time":

  1. What inferences can you make about the relationship between AI and business?

  2. What inferences can you make about the relationship between AI and people?

  3. According to Niiler, what are some risks AI poses?

  4. How can such risks be addressed?

As you listen to your group members share their responses and inferences, take notes in your Learning Log.

Activity 2: Read – Write – Discuss

We will learn about the structure of a research report.

Step 1

Following your brief introduction to artificial intelligence with the podcast episode, "Artificial Intelligence 101: Why It’s Different This Time," you will take a deeper dive into the different areas of AI.

Take two minutes to look over “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.” Respond to the following questions:


  1. What do you notice about the text features of the study? Highlight, underline, or annotate the different structural details you notice.

  2. What kind of information do you think you will find in this study?

Turn to your elbow partner and talk about what you noticed.

Step 2

As a class discuss the following question:

  1. How will your understanding of the text features of the study inform how you read the text?

Step 3

Practice the skimming technique with the preface of “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030” for two minutes. After skimming, you should be able to respond to the following question:

  1. What is the overarching purpose of “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030”?

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will practice the skim, read, reread, and interpret technique for reading research Studies using the overview of “Artificial Intelligence And Life In 2030.”

Step 1


As a class, respond to the following questions, circling or underlining the claims and topics as you skim the paper:

  1. What are the main claims the overview introduces in this study?

  2. What main topics will be discussed?

As a class, unpack the first claim: "People’s future relationships with machines will become ever more nuanced, fluid, and personalized.”

Circle any unfamiliar words in this claim. List the words on the board and define them as a class. Write down the words and definitions in your Vocabulary Journal.

After the words have been defined, turn to your elbow partner and determine how you would paraphrase the first claim. Share and compare your paraphrases as a class.

Step 2


As a class, read the first three paragraphs of the overview.

Now reread and annotate the paragraphs, keeping the following questions in mind:

  1. What conclusions do the authors make about how AI applications will transform our lives? Put an asterisk next to these inferences.

  2. What evidence do the authors use to support their first claim? Underline the evidence.

  3. In looking at the changing relationship between machines and humans, the study "narrowed its inquiry to eight domains where AI is already having or is projected to have the greatest impact." Highlight or underline these eight domains.

Step 3


Finally, complete the interpret step. After rereading the first three paragraphs, turn to your elbow partner and discuss the following question:

  1. How will people’s future relationships with machines become ever more nuanced, fluid, and personalized?

Use information from the first three paragraphs to respond to the question.

Share your answers with the class.

Activity 4: Read – Write

For homework, we will practice unpacking another claim from the “Artificial Intelligence And Life In 2030,” using the technique we completed as a class.

For homework, unpack Claim 2, Claim 4, or Claim 5 from “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030” as assigned by your teacher.

Examine your assigned claim and related questions by accessing the Section 1, Lesson 3 Claims Work Question Set.

For your assigned claim, circle any unfamiliar words in the claim and define them in your Vocabulary Journal. After the words have been defined, paraphrase the claim. Then read and reread your assigned section of text in response to the questions for that claim.

Be prepared to share your responses with other students who have examined the same claim in the next lesson.