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Lesson 6

We will continue to consider the following question: What is artificial intelligence? We will drill down into the distinctions between narrow AI, general AI, and super AI, summarizing the characteristics of each type of AI, brainstorming examples. We will also increase our understanding of vocabulary important to the topic of AI to help facilitate our work on the topic, including exploring the origins of the word robot and how the definition of the word relates to our studies.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I express an accurate understanding of the three different types of artificial intelligence?

  • Can I pay attention to and listen carefully in order to identify reasons and evidence that support a speaker’s claim?



  • Unit Reader
    • “Distinguishing between Narrow AI, General AI and Super AI,” Tannya D. Jajal, Tannya D. Jajal, 2018


  • Digital Access
    • “Mr. Roboto,” Styx, YouTube, 1983



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will summarize our understanding of the three different types of AI.

Your teacher will lead a whole-class discussion in which we share our annotations for the three different types of AI.

  1. What are the characteristics of narrow AI?

  2. What are the characteristics of artificial general intelligence?

  3. What are the characteristics of super AI?

Activity 2: Write

In small groups, we will brainstorm and build on other students’ ideas as we write examples of each type of AI on posters.

In small groups, walk to each of the three posters and add examples of each type of AI.

In your small group, spend about two minutes at each poster and write examples of that type of AI. For example, Siri is an example of narrow AI.

You should not repeat an example given by another group, which means adding examples might become progressively more difficult as you move to each new poster.

Activity 3: Discuss

Facilitated by the teacher, debrief the examples the class brainstormed in the large group.

In a large-group discussion, share the different examples of narrow AI, general AI, and super AI written down on the classroom posters.

Activity 4: Read – View – Write

As a class, we will think about the super AI, analyze the word origin of the word robot, and read the lyrics of the song “Mr. Roboto” by Styx, then watch the associated music video.

Step 1

We will read the lyrics to the song, “Mr. Roboto,” a 1983 song by the rock group Styx, and watch a music video of the song. Before we read and listen, think about the word robot, which is a key concept in the song.

Many commonly used words have been borrowed from other languages. The word robot is derived from the Slavonic language, which is an Indo-European language. The word robota in that language means “forced labor” or “servitude.”

As a class discuss the following questions:

  1. Given the original Slavonic meaning, how is robot an appropriate term to use in relation to AI?

  2. How does this foreign word relate to our class definition of AI?

Step 2

As a class, read the lyrics to the song, "Mr. Roboto."

  1. On the surface level, what is this song about?

  2. How does the song tie to the meaning of robot that we have discussed?

  3. Who or what is Mr. Roboto?

  4. Who or what is Kilroy?

Step 3

Pay attention to the lyrics while watching the “Mr. Roboto” music video. Answer one of the following questions, which your teacher will assign you:

  1. The first and second stanzas are, “You’re wondering who I am, machine or mannequin, with parts made in Japan, I am the modern man. My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM.” How is the term modern man defined?

  2. The eighth stanza is, “Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto, for doing the jobs that nobody wants to.” How does this compare with what you have learned about how artificial intelligence is used in our society?

  3. Stanza 9 states, “The problem’s plain to see: too much technology. Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize.” How does this support the notion that super AI will destroy the human race?

Step 4

In small groups of three made up of students who answered different questions, share your responses. As a group, respond to the following question:

  1. The last scene of the video shows a Mr. Roboto removing his mask. You see the outline of Kilroy’s hair and head, but it becomes a Mr. Roboto face, which is how the video ends. What message does this image send about technology?

Take notes regarding the last question in your Learning Log.

Share your group’s response and thoughts with the class.

Activity 5: Read – Discuss – Write

We will begin working with vocabulary and adding words to our Vocabulary Journals. We will interact with the words we defined to cement our understanding of their meaning.

Step 1

Return to the text “Distinguishing between Narrow AI, General AI and Super AI.” Work with a partner to identify and select two or three unfamiliar words or phrases in the text. Using the vocabulary strategy appropriate for each word or phrase, determine its meaning.

You might use a Vocabulary in Context Tool for words you can decipher from the text; for others, you might use morphology to decipher the meaning, or a reference resource to check if your meaning is accurate.

Record the words and definitions in your Vocabulary Journal. For each word, identify the vocabulary strategy (e.g., context, morphology, reference resource) you used to determine its meaning.

Step 2

Work with a partner or group to respond to the vocabulary exercises, as directed by your teacher.