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Lesson 4

We will continue to consider the following question: What is artificial intelligence? We will continue our in-depth reading of “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030” in groups.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use evidence to support my inferences about artificial intelligence?

  • Can I recognize, interpret, and use the text structure and details in an informational text to guide my reading and understanding?



  • Unit Reader
    • “Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030,” Peter Stone et al., Stanford University, 2016



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

In groups, we will discuss the homework we completed.

Follow your teacher’s directions, and form groups consisting of those who studied the same claim for homework. Focus your group discussion on the text-specific questions related to your claim.

Form a written group response to your question.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will present our findings with new groups consisting of students with different claims.

Form new groups consisting of members with different claims, as assigned by your teacher. Share your claim and response to your question with your new group. Listen as others share their claims and responses. Write down any interesting ideas in your Learning Log.

Activity 3: Read – Write

In your groups, skim section 1: what is artificial intelligence? of “Artificial Intelligence And Life In 2030.”

In your groups, skim Section 1 of the report, paying attention to the formatting cues that identify the claims and topics discussed. Circle or underline the claims or topics.

Activity 4: Read – Write

As a group, read, reread, and interpret to comprehend and analyze section 1 of “Artificial Intelligence And Life In 2030.”

In your small group, read Section 1.

Reread the section, focusing on the questions below. Write down your responses in your Learning Log.

  1. According to the authors, why is artificial intelligence hard to define? Underline the authors’ reasoning in the text and use the evidence in your answer.

  2. How does the report explain the claim that "intelligence lies on a multi-dimensional spectrum"?

  3. Why is human intelligence a natural choice for benchmarking the progress of AI? Underline the reasoning that supports this claim and use the evidence from the text in your answer.

  4. What is an operational definition of AI?

  5. What are the factors that have fueled the AI revolution, according to the authors? Highlight or underline the factors, then explain how one of those factors has been influential.

  6. The report identifies 11 hot areas of AI-related research. What is the key idea in one of those areas?

Activity 5: Read – Write

For homework, we will choose an area of interest in section 2: AI by domain.

For homework, choose one of the domains below and read the text using the techniques we have been practicing in class.

  • transportation

  • healthcare

  • education

  • public safety and security

  • employment and workplace

  • entertainment

Next, skim Section 2, noting text cues to identify the topics and related claims.

Read the italicized abstract that begins Section 2 and the section of text for your chosen domain.

Reread that section of text, following the directions below:

  • In the abstract for Section 2, the authors state that they will describe the different states of AI research and implementation, as well as the impacts and distinct challenges of each domain.

    • Underline the authors’ reasoning used to support the major claims they make related to your domain. Remember to use the text structure to help you find the claims.

    • Place an asterisk next to conclusions the authors make.

  • In the abstract for Section 2, the authors state, "AI is already beginning to transform everyday life, and...those transformations are likely to grow by the year 2030." How will the domain you studied transform everyday life?

    • Write a response in your Learning Log and use textual evidence to support your answer.