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Lesson 6

We will finish this unit by engaging in a whole-class discussion about change agents. We will also discuss the Culminating Task topics that relate to the unit and identify possible pathways to explore for the Application Unit.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I change my ideas or perspective based on new, credible information and experiences?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Listen – Write – Discuss

We will reflect on change agents who change the world and how our thinking has changed as the unit advanced.

Share your understanding of what it means to be a change agent by completing a reflection activity. Listen to each statement. After each statement is read, note your response (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) that best aligns with your belief in your Learning Log, then silently walk to the corner of the room that corresponds with your reaction. Do not discuss your responses. After each statement, and after everyone has chosen their corners, look to see how many people are in each corner.

At the end of the exercise, discuss the following questions as a group:

  1. What surprised or shocked you about the responses?

  2. Would you have responded differently to any of these statements earlier in the unit?

Activity 2: Discuss

We will engage in a whole-class discussion to share our understanding of what it means to be a change agent, and we will consider questions we might explore further. This will help us express our understanding of the themes of the texts and prepare us for the Application Unit.

Return to the Central Question of the unit: Who changes the world?

Using the Culminating Task Progress Tracker for this unit, assess your own learning, work, and improvement within the unit. Use the following questions to help guide your reflection:

  1. How did the texts in this unit help you understand or think about the Central Question?

  2. What knowledge from the unit do you feel the most comfortable communicating? What areas are still unclear for you?

  3. What skills from the unit do you feel most comfortable applying moving forward? What skills are still unclear for you?

  4. Using the Culminating Task Progress Tracker as a guide, can you tell the story of how your understanding of the texts and topic progressed throughout the unit?

Discuss with the class what you have learned about change agents using the unit’s Central Question.

Activity 3: Write – Discuss

We will reflect on and discuss the possible connections among the unit, other units in the year, and the research we might choose to conduct in the final Application Unit.

Follow along as your teacher overviews the Application Unit and the collaborative and independent research project you will be doing to complete the year’s learning. Ask questions about what will be expected of you and what options you will have for completing the culminating project.

Individually, reflect on what interested you during this unit and what you might want to explore further. Capture these reflections on the Application Unit Potential Topics Tool. Use the following questions to help guide your reflection:

  1. Were there any particular topics or texts that captured your attention? Why?

  2. What about each text or topic do you still want to study? What questions do you still have? Write these down in the Questions or Subtopics to Explore column.

  3. How would you begin to research each text or topic?

As a class or in groups, have a final discussion about what engaged you in this unit as well as what and how you might want to study further for the final Application Unit.