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Lesson 3

We will revise artifacts for our portfolio for the Culminating Task.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?

  • Can I evaluate the relevance and credibility of information, ideas, evidence, and reasoning presented in texts?

  • Can I express an accurate understanding of the central ideas of texts?

  • Can I evaluate the relevance and credibility of information, ideas, evidence, and reasoning presented in texts?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read

We will exchange an additional artifact with a pathway team member for peer review.

Make sure your portfolio is in order based on the Portfolio Requirements.

Choose one artifact you want to focus your revision on. Most of your artifacts have been reviewed previously, but choose one that you have made more revisions to so that another round of feedback might be helpful. Communicate the artifact of focus with one of your pathway partners and swap portfolios.

Complete the Portfolio Peer Review for that artifact.

Activity 2: Discuss – Write

We will revise our artifact based on the suggestions from our peers.

Discuss the suggested revisions with your peer reviewer.

Considering the suggestions from your peer reviewer, revise your artifact. Complete your revisions for homework.

Respond to the following question on a sticky note or piece of paper to turn in to your instructor:

  1. What will I revise from my portfolio for homework to ensure that the walkthrough in the next lesson will be a success?