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Lesson 8

We will submit our final portfolios and reflect on our next steps after high school.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I explore a variety of credible sources to answer a question or solve a problem using an organized and dynamic process of inquiry?

  • Can I gather and organize relevant and sufficient evidence to demonstrate an understanding of texts and topics, support claims, and develop ideas?

  • Can I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims that represent valid, evidence-based analysis?

  • Can I apply correct and effective syntax, usage, mechanics, and spelling to communicate ideas and achieve intended purposes?

  • Can I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?

  • Can I use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to support and elaborate on coherent and logical narratives, explanations, and arguments?

  • Can I use effective formatting, style, and citations to present ideas for specific audiences and purposes?

  • Can I work productively in various roles with other participants?


There are no texts for this Lesson.



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

Review the Central Question in your pathway groups.

Now that this unit is coming to an end, discuss the following question with your classmates:

  1. What does it mean to be prepared for life after high school?

Activity 2: Read

We will organize our portfolio.

Collect all materials created for your portfolio and make any final changes. Organize your artifacts in the correct order, referencing the Portfolio Requirements. Your narrative reflection should be the final artifact in your portfolio.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will wrap up the unit.

Discuss the following questions as a whole class:

  1. What was your favorite part of the unit? Why?

  2. What was your least favorite part of the unit? Why?

  3. What is your plan B pathway should your initial pathway not work out? Why?

  4. What do you have left to do to make your pathway dream turn into a reality?

  5. In what ways might this pathway choice help you grow as a young adult? Why?

  6. In what ways might this pathway choice result in your happiness as a young adult? Why?

  7. In what ways might this pathway choice provide stability in your adult life? Why?

  8. What are you most looking forward to after graduating? Why?

Activity 4: Read

We will turn in our portfolios.

Turn in your portfolio to your instructor.

Activity 5: Listen – Write

We will examine and discuss possible connections among the unit, other units from the year, and the research we might choose to do in the final Application Unit.

Follow along as your teacher overviews the Application Unit and the collaborative and independent research project that will complete the year’s learning. Ask questions about what will be expected of you and what options you will have for completing the culminating project.

Individually, reflect on what interested you during this unit and what you might want to explore further. Capture these reflections on the Application Unit Potential Topics Tool. Use the following questions to help guide your reflection:

  1. Were there any particular topics or texts that captured your attention? Why?

  2. What about each text or topic do you still want to study? What questions do you still have? Write these down in the Questions or Subtopics to Explore column.

  3. How would you begin to research each text or topic?

As a class or in groups, have a final discussion about what engaged you in this unit as well as what and how you might want to study further for the final Application Unit.