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Lesson 6

We will begin drafting our narrative reflections.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims that represent valid, evidence-based analysis?

  • Can I apply correct and effective syntax, usage, mechanics, and spelling to communicate ideas and achieve intended purposes?

  • Can I sequence and group sentences and paragraphs and use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to establish coherent, logical, and well-developed narratives, explanations, and arguments?

  • Can I use devices, techniques, descriptions, reasoning, evidence, and visual elements to support and elaborate on coherent and logical narratives, explanations, and arguments?


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Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will continue to meet in our pathway groups and review our responses to the Narrative Reflection Guiding Questions.

Review your response to the Narrative Reflection Guiding Questions with your pathway group.

Activity 2: Write

We will draft our controlling idea.

Read over your answers to the guiding questions in the previous activity. Look for patterns and connections in the claims you have written about your topic. What do they add up to? Think about how they might lead you to a central claim that responds to the first bullet in the task:

Clearly articulate why this postsecondary pathway was of interest to you and how it will help you achieve your life goals.

Express your controlling idea about your topic in one to two sentences that can be used to direct and organize your essay. This will be your essay’s controlling idea, an expression of the understanding you have developed by examining your topic.

Read over your answers to the guiding questions in the previous activity again. Rewrite them into supporting claims for your controlling idea. Then, put them in an order that might make sense to help you explain, support, and make a case for your analysis of the topic. This list can become a preliminary plan or outline for your essay.

Activity 3: Write

We will identify and organize supporting evidence.

Now that you have the basic outline of your essay and the central and supporting claims, you will identify and organize your evidence using the Organizing Evidence Tool.

For this section, you will write the central claim in the Central Claim or Thesis row and your supporting claims in the following rows. Your central claim should address the three questions posed in the narrative reflection prompt in part 2 of the Culminating Task Checklist.

After writing your central claim and supporting claims, identify the evidence you will use for each supporting claim. In addition to writing the evidence, you will analyze the evidence to explain how it supports the supporting claim. Remember that your evidence is the sources we have read throughout the unit, your outside research, as well as your portfolio artifacts.

Add additional rows or evidence as needed for each supporting claim.

Activity 4: Write

For homework, we will draft the body of our essays.

For homework, draft your body paragraphs. Use what you completed on the Organizing Evidence Tool to write your body paragraphs. Refer to the Organization Reference Guide as needed.

Review your Vocabulary Journal. Identify significant words that you would like to use in your response to the Culminating Task and use them in your draft.

Review your Mentor Sentence Journal. Select techniques that you plan to use when writing your response to the Culminating Task and use them in your draft.